Clifford Thames have secured a deal with Bentley Motors to install and provide their QCheck solution in dealerships across the Middle East.
QCheck will be rolled out during July as the solution that delivers systematic checks on workshop quality notably improving both customer experience and dealer margins. The overriding benefit of the application is that the intuitive, web based functionality means it can be easily adopted by dealerships with minimal setup, training or cost implications.
Managing Director, Paul Jackson shared recent figures for the past year further proving QCheck has a great track record of delivering return for customers:
Over 4 million vehicles Qchecked across 32 countries
500,000+ ‘repeat repairs’ avoided
96% of users experience 30% improvement in work quality in the first year
QCheck has been established for over 15 years and integrates with the award-winning ServiceCare360 solution.
To learn more about QCheck, Servicare360 and our other products watch our explainer video. Visit
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